Monaco Department of Interior Launches 2024 AML/CFT Surveys Using STRIX


Monaco Department of Interior (DoI)

The Monegasque Département de l’Intérieur has begun their 2024 AML/CFT surveys of Non-Profit Organizations. The Department is using STRIX to supervise the approximately 2,000 Associations, Federations, and Foundations registered in Monaco. For the DoI, STRIX automates the distribution of surveys and collection of data, and enables more effective AML/CFT risk assessments while enhancing supervision capabilities and providing recurring savings.

STRIX is a productivity software for supervisors specifically designed to increase Compliance and Effectiveness to FATF Recommendations 26 & 28 and Immediate Outcome 3.

DoI will be benefiting from STRIX’s latest developments of mid-round rejection and re-entry survey management, which results in fewer rounds, and more efficient data collection cycles – another savings benefit for STRIX users.

#Strix #StrixAML #knowyoursector #AMLCFTriskassessments #Sharemodels